Spending Time in Nature

Blog 3 – Spending Time in Nature


There's something special about being out in the countryside or hills, taking a walk and stopping to look at the sights. It's an experience that can be both calming and energizing, allowing you to hear yourself think and tune in to the natural world around you.

The last to fall at sunset.

 One of the main benefits of spending time in nature is the way it can help you to feel more grounded and connected. When you're surrounded by the elements - earth, air, water, and fire - it's easy to feel a sense of harmony and relaxation. The sound of the wind in the trees, the sight of a babbling brook, or the feel of the sun on your skin can all help to bring you back to a state of balance and calm.

Stunning starling bird song to alert us all to the day.

 Walking in nature can also be a great way to synchronise your body and mind. As you move through the landscape, your heart rate increases and your breathing becomes deeper and more rhythmic. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety and leave you feeling more energized and focused.

Golden prize… in amongst the grasses this gem stood out proudly.

 Another benefit of being out in the countryside is the way it can help you to connect with the natural world around you. When you take the time to stop and look at the sights, you'll begin to notice the details of the landscape - the way the light falls on the trees, the patterns in the clouds, or the colours of the flowers. This can be a deeply enriching experience, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of nature in all its forms.

The sound of the waves on the seashore.

 Finally, spending time in nature can be a great way to relax and recharge. Whether you're taking a leisurely stroll through a meadow or climbing a mountain peak, there's something about being out in the fresh air that can help to clear your mind and soothe your soul. And when you return home after a day spent in nature, you'll likely feel more energised, focused, and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.

Ponies in the mist moving silently searching for fresh grass through the frost.

 In conclusion, there are many benefits to spending time in the countryside or hills walking and stopping to look at the sights. Whether you're looking to hear yourself think, connect with nature, or simply relax and recharge, there's something about being out in the natural world that can help you to feel more grounded, energized, and alive. So why not take some time today to get outside and experience all that nature has to offer? You might just be surprised at how much it can do for your body, mind, and spirit.

Look up to the moon and focus on it’s details… mesmerizing!

Remember to stop, breathe, look up, look down and look closely. It’s mind-blowing what you will find.


Relax… and Breathe!